Once upon a time...

Franne Schwarb | December 12, 2024

Memories are so clear.  The days of my 3 waiting at the top of the stairs Christmas morning until their Dad and I said they could come down.   No matter what toys were strewn around, they always went to their stockings first.  Little did they know that was my favorite "stuff" to buy.  What was small would be remembered and fit in a stocking?  Of course, there was the rush on the eve to assemble anything with parts.  That was fun while Santa and I had a glass or 2 of wine.  

Their only alive great-grandmother always sent me a check so I could buy what they wanted.  It wasn't until they were adults that they realized she didn't know precisely what was #1 on their list.  Was the Swatch watch for John a big hit, circa?

As I sit now after we celebrated gift-giving on Thanksgiving, I am grateful for the joy I saw in the eyes of my grands.  The personal ornaments I bought/found for each one appeared to be the biggest hits.  I love them all so much!  I would hang a star in the sky for each one...if I could.

I hope your holiday season, no matter how or what you celebrate, is filled with joy, love, gratitude, and kindness.



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