It's hard to believe next week is Thanksgiving. The best part of that is the gathering of my family here, in Mount Pleasant, at my home. Most of them haven't seen the house since I just about gutted the main floor this summer, and I can't wait to show it off.
The Turkey tradition has always been our favorite holiday. My late husband invented the guess the weight of the Turkey contest and it continues to be one of the high spots of dinner, along with going around the table and saying what we are thankful for. I love all the traditions and talk of years past and the future. Oh, and of course the Turkey comes out of the oven with extra wings attached. Too many of us want wings and that solves the problem.
Happily this year my daughter and her daughter will arrive early to help me prepare. What a blessing that is. Beds to make, baking to do and of course preholiday shopping.
Sending love and good wishes to you and yours,